Saturday, February 6, 2010

What is the basic operation of temperature control valve?

It is useless to tell you you let votation gets the ten points when I have answered you as if verbatim from my training manual. you can have your ten points but I'll just get my two points and no answer from you again even though I like this TCV before but now it is called.... no you'll not learn it from me..What is the basic operation of temperature control valve?
A 'Temperature Control Valve' maintains a pre-set temperature in whatever system it is installed. It can either be self-sensing or actuated by other devices. The basic operation is that it will maintain a pre-set temperature by opening/closing to admit the coolant/heated medium thereby ensuring a uniform temperature. The valve may open or close mechanically, electrically or hydraulically depending on its means of actuation.What is the basic operation of temperature control valve?
It regulates the cabin temperature so it's comfortable for the passengers and crew.

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